Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sometimes all it takes is a pretty face and I'm sold

While I may not be the biggest fan of his music (ok, so I'm not a fan at all really), I have to admit to myself (and now the world) that I find Adam Ant strangely sexy. Sure, he often dresses like a pirate, but I can look past that.

Please watch the video below for proof of sexiness.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I don't have a dog, but I like going to dog parks

Recently I went to Point Isabel in Richmond, CA with some friends. It turned out to be a dog park on the water. The ocean + cute dogs = happy Jenna. Simple equation, but true.

Thanks go out to: Melisser, Meg, Ryan and Strummer

Sunday, May 3, 2009

J.J. Abrams strikes again

I'm pretty sure J.J. Abrams exists to make things that I enjoy. It's awesome.

The new Star Trek movie opens this Friday. Meg and I are going to go and totally geek out.

So epic: